ILLUSION- niramy 08.06.2016

2016 memory

மகள் நிறமி (16) எழுதிப் பழகிய கவிதைகளில் ஒன்று.

Is this possible?

We haven’t even met yet.

God, I am so shy, so miserable.

I’ve never heard your voice.

It’s a film set

of a theater or a movie

I had no choice,

you were my Shakespeare cliché.

I had to watch it.

The trailer’s music sounded so groovy.

I couldn’t resist,

not even a little bit.

And my brain fought into a touché.

My heart is chained into a fist.

My fingers were tickling

My eyes giggling.

Thy hair made me crave.

My fingers wanted to run through thy hair.

Oh your smile, my darling, made me dig my own grave.

Shining eyes looking like they care.

Thy good-looking soul was my drug.

My body is burning and begging for thy hug.

Oh I know everything is just a conclusion.

I don’t realize how I can feel this way without knowing you, dear.

I want to greet, but desire is smaller than fear.

Was it euphoria or obsession?

No, but now I see, I see everything is illusion.

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